
Could it be that war  is “a way to achieve harmony through conflict”?

Does war start first in the individual, long before it explodes collectively on the outside?

I was given both of these possibilites and I can say the felt very true to me. Perhaps because I  know what is to be at war with oneself, and how is to go through life in extreme reaction to the disharmony that abounds everywhere around.

Even though inner-conflict can be felt as something very tangible, troublesome and real, I have been awakened to the fact that it is very much self-created and self-fed each day through thoughts, longings and pictures, patterns of behaviour and body movements that have been repeating for a long time without much awareness and insight.

Today I feel how many issues and dilemmas that tend to unmercefully manifest on the outside – in relationships, friendships, work and health related stuff – are just a reflection of a bottled war within.

So why is it that we can easily adhere to a configuration that says that Harmony can only be achieved through struggle, separation, fight or flight and war with self and others?

A paradigm shift has been taking place for a while already and it has to do greatly with my encounter with  powerful inspirational modern philosopher, healer and presenter Serge Benhayon and the School of the Livingness.

As I have been experiencing the benefits, expansion and evolution this shift has been provoking in my self and in my life, I felt the pull towards creating a space to share and explore how to bring harmony back to self and life, which doesn´t include war, but true Fire. The Fire that lies within every human being and don´t belong to just one person, but to all of us.

You are very wellcome to explore with me the resurection of our true Harmony within. Enjoy.



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